Zoomer Generational Marketing | Who They Are and How to Reach Them
August 26, 2021
Generation Z may not be as well-known culturally as the millennial generation that came before them, but there’s plenty of reason to take notice of this emerging demographic. Gen Z is not only projected to be the most disruptive generation yet, but they’re projected to outearn millennials within ten years. It’s time to get to know Generation Z sooner rather than later — the long-term future of your business may depend on it.
Who is Generation Z?
Generation Z — also known as Gen Z, Zoomers or the Zoomer generation — consists of people born between 1996 and 2014. (The date range might vary slightly depending on whose definition you use.) These young people are largely known for their extensive use of technology, spending as much as nine hours per day online. However, Gen Z is far more than a group of tech addicts. Through their unique outlook and the force of their activism, Zoomers are achieving a level of prominence once reserved solely for millennials.

While it might seem odd to pay such close attention to a group which boasts people as young as seven years old, the values of Generation Z are already forcing brands to change the way they conduct business.
What Does Generation Z Value?
Before we examine the importance of Gen Z, it’s important to understand what makes this group tick. Simply put, Zoomers see the world like no generation before it.
Having grown up with the Internet for their entire lives, Generation Z has had plenty of time to take in other philosophies, perspectives and ideas. That side breadth of information has informed their decision-making. Zoomers are less likely than any other generation to take a job that doesn’t make them happy. They’re also much more distrusting of institutions like colleges and government officials, and they especially don’t think much of conventional advertising.
Above all else, Gen Z values trust, authenticity and charity. Zoomers place a premium on businesses that give back portions of their sales toward charity; Generation Z is more likely to support a company that embraces social responsibility than millennials.
Why is Generation Z Important?
Ranging from preteens to young professionals, Gen Z represents a fundamental shift in the way the world is viewed and how content is consumed. This change, begun by millennials, will continue to evolve in the years to come.
The Zoomer generation is the most diverse generation on record. This diversity has clued Gen Z into areas where there hasn’t been enough representation, and Gen Z has called out the appropriate people for their transgressions. Today, more and more businesses are looking inward at their lack of diversity and taking actions to rectify the situation — a change prompted directly by the actions of Generation Z.
This is a group that knows it has a voice, and it’s not afraid to use it. The main tool used by Gen Z is social media — in particular, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. Zoomers use social media to amplify the voices that they feel should be heard, while asking for accountability from those that have failed to use their platform to make positive change.

To that point, Generation Z has given rise to businesses that use charity as a competitive advantage. If given a choice, Gen Z will usually choose the business that provides a portion of its proceeds to charitable causes, especially if those causes resonate with the consumer. This patronage of companies that have incorporated social responsibility has encouraged businesses of all sizes to consider whether it could or should be doing more.
Lastly, Gen Z is important because of the money and opportunity coming its way. By 2030, Gen Z will have an income of $33 trillion annually, which will comprise a quarter of all global income. Zoomers will have considerable buying power, and their values will have them looking for not the cheapest options, but the right ways to spend their hard-earned money.
Reaching Generation Z
The biggest challenge with marketing to Generation Z isn’t necessarily understanding what speaks to this group. Instead, the bigger challenge might be trying too hard. Like millennials before them, Gen Z can always spot a fake, especially when they’re making a little too strong of an effort to look hip. Using outdated memes and “cool” language to try to appeal to Zoomers won’t work. Instead, a strong message of authenticity will take your brand much further.
Look closely at your brand’s composition. What message can you send that Gen Z will appreciate? What charitable initiatives do you participate in, and are you promoting them so that Zoomers will take notice? What’s your social media strategy like, and are you using the proper channels that will allow Gen Z to find your brand?
Your marketing message has to be short, succinct and to the point. Much has been made of the lower attention spans of Generation Z in comparison to previous generations, and statistically, the numbers ring true. That means shifting your strategy where necessary. Think of TikTok instead of YouTube — on TikTok, your limited video time means hitting Gen Z hard with facts right away, whereas YouTube’s more lengthy format allows you to expand on your thoughts, but runs the risk of alienating the very audience you’re targeting.
Those Gen Z attention spans are short because this group would rather get out and take action, as opposed to sitting around and doing nothing. Your marketing should reflect that. Encourage Zoomers to take part in user-generated content promotions, or enlist their help in making change within your community. The activist side of Generation Z can be an asset if you use it correctly.

Most of all, be true to yourself as a marketer and to your brand as a whole. If your brand doesn’t fit what Generation Z values, there’s no better time than right now to make the necessary changes. If your principles do align with Gen Z, focus on those core tenets and build your advertising around them. As much as Zoomers are about technology and what’s happening right now, a less-is-more approach may be your best bet. Focus on what works and what aligns closely with Gen Z’s values, and tweak your strategy as you see what does and doesn’t work with this group.
Wrapping your head around the philosophies and buying habits of Generation Z can be intimidating, especially if you just spent years learning what made millennials tick. Careful attention to Gen Z’s values and principles will help you to understand this valuable group and market in a way that appeals to Gen Z customers. If you’d like assistance in reaching the Zoomer generation, contact us at Commit Agency today.