All for One, Fun for All

The Challenge:

USA BMX is the world’s largest BMX racing organization, supporting more than 300 sanctioned tracks across the country – all independently run by volunteers. But kids (and their parents) have a plethora of options competing for their membership dollars when it comes to youth sports, making attracting new members an on-going struggle in such a crowded marketplace. In addition, lapsed memberships were an issue for both novice and active members due to lack of engagement.

Video Production


USA BMX | Gif Ad | Where everyone rides
USA BMX | Race Day Ad
USA BMX | Gif Ad | Love at First Ride


Beginning with primary research of current/lapsed members, as well as prospects in our target market, Commit defined member profiles that would attract new sponsors, create a foundation for enhanced member acquisition/retention and gain actionable insights into key member attributes to drive value and engagement. Armed with this knowledge, the Commit braintrust was activated to redefine USA BMX’s brand to position them as the premier sports and recreation organization. The new brand injected energy and life into their messaging and put a stake in the ground by defining how they are meaningfully different from the competition. Next, a reinvigorated campaign was launched utilizing the new messaging and visual style to engage our target audience. Ongoing marketing, social media outreach, incentivized communications to capture renewals, open houses and extensive PR efforts have further built on the newly established brand strategy for continued success.


BMX rider on the track
Two BMX riders celebrating
Young boy in bmx helmet with his mom
Young BMX rider celebrating with mom
BMX rider on a track
Group of parents and BMX riders


USA BMX | Gif Ad | Lets race
USA BMX | Gif Ad | Learn More
USA BMX | Gif Ad | Find a Track


Commit’s Registration Week media campaign, a five-week blitz, garnered 318 new members with 1.8 million impressions, 12,800 clicks to the USA BMX website, 33 media hits (TV/print/online), 6,542 free trial form submissions and membership page clicks with an estimated audience of 2.2 million. In addition, Open House and National Race events amassed 4.2 million impressions, 18,700 clicks to the Open House landing page, 396 form submissions and 131 TV/print/online media hits with an estimated audience of 410 million.


USA BMX | Where everyone rides Banner
USA BMX | Love at First Ride Banner


BMX LP | Try Chandler BMX for free
USA BMX | Where everyone rides | Landing Page

Color Palette


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