LinkedIn and YouTube: Riding the Short-Form Video Wave

April 30, 2024

In the whirlwind world of social media, platforms are always jazzing things up to keep users engaged. Recent updates from LinkedIn and YouTube show just how much short-form videos are having a moment.

In a digital landscape where attention spans are shorter than ever, the rise of short-form video content is reshaping how we engage with social media platforms.

LinkedIn’s Short-Form Video Sneak Peek

LinkedIn, the go-to spot for professional networking, is trying its hand at short-form videos. They’re currently giving it a whirl with a test run of a nifty short-form video feature on their iOS app.

This is a bit of a pivot for LinkedIn, which has typically been more about sharing articles and longer videos. But now, users can whip up and watch quick video clips right there in the app.

The new video tab for short-form content means there’s a whole new playground for professionals to share tips, show off their work, or give a peek behind the scenes. It’s LinkedIn’s way of keeping things fresh and fun while staying on top of the social media game.

You can share a brief clip highlighting a recent project, offer a quick tip on industry trends or provide a glimpse into your day-to-day work life—all within the familiar confines of the LinkedIn app. This experiment underscores LinkedIn’s commitment to evolving alongside its user base and adapting to changing content consumption habits.

YouTube Shorts: Your Ticket to Exclusive Content

Meanwhile, YouTube, the OG of online video, is giving creators more power over their content. They’ve introduced a feature that lets creators make Shorts just for their subscribers, giving them a VIP pass to exclusive content before it goes public.

With the rise of short-form video content, YouTube is making sure creators can cater to their audience’s craving for quick bites of entertainment. Now, creators can treat their loyal subscribers to a special sneak peek, building a stronger bond with their fan base.

Imagine being a subscriber to your favorite YouTube channel and receiving early access to bite-sized content that hasn’t yet been made public. It’s like getting a backstage pass to the creative process—a sneak peek into what’s coming next before anyone else sees it.

These updates show how social media platforms are adapting to the growing popularity of short-form video content. From LinkedIn’s venture into bite-sized videos to YouTube’s subscriber-exclusive Shorts, it’s all about keeping things fresh and exciting for users.

In the end, as LinkedIn and YouTube ride the short-form video wave, they’re not just keeping up with the trends—they’re setting the bar for professional and user-generated content alike.

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If you’re looking for a marketing partner to help you navigate and leverage the latest strategic opportunities in the ever-evolving world of influencer partnerships and paid social, contact us at Commit Agency today! We are a full-service advertising agency in Arizona that believes thoughtfully designed interactions create moments worth remembering and sharing.