Website Design & Development | Analytics

The Challenge:

MedAvail was about to enter the Arizona market with an over-the-counter medication e-commerce solution called SpotRx that offered customers the ability to purchase hundreds of products at cost with two-hour free delivery. Commit Agency was tapped to help SpotRx enter the Arizona market and acquire customers.

Website Design & Development

SportRx | Website on a computer

Commit’s Strategy:

Leading the way by delivering a smart solution to the typical drugstore model, Commit Agency helped startup company SpotRx create an award-winning brand, an effective ecommerce website and the brand’s initial marketing initiatives including social advertising, paid search, display, retargeting, market-specific landing pages and the launch of their HealthPharm and supporting kiosks.

Social Media

SportRx | Gif Ad
SportRx | Save Money and Save Time Gif Ad

Social & Copywriting

SportRx | Social Post on a phone
SportRx | Social Post on a phone
SportRx | Social Post on a phone

Measurable Results:

During the launch period, Commit helped SpotRx achieve more than 3 million social impressions and drive more than 56,000 users to the website. Our efforts also helped in the acquisition of hundreds of leads who contacted SpotRx by phone to transfer prescriptions or learn more about the program.


SportRx | Ad on a billboard
SportRx | "Smile" ad on a billoard


SportRx | Info Poster
SportRx | Info poster

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