Category: Influence Amplification

Cartoon man holding two signs

Brand Equity | What it is and Why it’s So Important  

December 8, 2021

Research shows that consumers are willing to pay extra for a product or service if it meets their criteria. For instance, shoppers will pay more for a high-quality experience, or [...]

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multiple phones with people on the screen | Cameo marketing

How to Leverage Cameo In Your Social Media Marketing  

November 12, 2021

When leveraging the power of brand advocates or endorsements from well-known personalities, success comes in all sizes. And, targeting the biggest names or the most sought-after celebrities, in fact, might [...]

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cell phone with media icons hovering above

Engaging Social Media Posts | Tips and Examples from the Marketing Experts

September 15, 2021

When executed strategically and creatively, social media as a marketing tool can be a powerful driver of awareness, brand engagement and ultimately traffic or revenue to your business. However, when [...]

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A multi-generational family is posting in front of the camera. They are sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Generational Marketing | How to Speak to The Right Audience The Right Way  

August 26, 2021

Generational marketing is a must for any business that aims to appeal to multiple segments of the marketplace. When done right, generational marketing allows marketers to speak directly to their [...]

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Cartoon people around a cartoon Z holding phones

Zoomer Generational Marketing | Who They Are and How to Reach Them  

August 26, 2021

Generation Z may not be as well-known culturally as the millennial generation that came before them, but there’s plenty of reason to take notice of this emerging demographic. Gen Z [...]

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integrated marketing campaign examples | Commit Agency

Examples of Effective Integrated Marketing Campaigns  

August 18, 2021

The definition of an integrated marketing campaign is an endeavor in which a brand uses multiple means of communication to send a message to its target audience. By this definition, [...]

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