
Pros and Cons of Industry Benchmarks | Blog | Commit Agency

Pros and Cons of Industry Benchmarks

March 13, 2019

We humans naturally have a fear of the unknown, right? We all react to being outside of our comfort zone differently. Some might get quiet, some might get chatty, others [...]

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Public Relations

A Beginner’s Guide to Public Relations

November 15, 2018

Imagine for a moment that you’re the CEO of a small company. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that your marketing budget is, well...more like “What marketing budget?” Your [...]

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Amazon Marketing

Amazon Marketing Hacks To Drive Sales

October 10, 2018

As we know, Amazon has a reputation for fulfilling the wants and needs of consumers by offering a vast variety of products for purchase. What people may not know is [...]

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Successful Marketing Campaign

What Makes a Successful Marketing Campaign?

September 11, 2018

What makes a successful marketing campaign? The plain and simple answer is a lot of things. Surprising, isn’t it? Yeah, not really. However, don’t get discouraged because you can make [...]

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Asking Followers for Recommendations on Facebook | Commit Agency

How To Ask Your Followers for Recommendations on Facebook

September 4, 2018

Let’s just cut right to the chase, shall we? Your business needs recommendations, doesn’t it? If you clicked on this article, that answer is probably “yes”. Recommendations have become the [...]

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3 Ways Goodwill Branding is Driving Authentic Experiences | Commit Agency

3 Ways Goodwill Branding is Driving Authentic Experiences

August 22, 2018

Authentic brand experiences should be present at every customer touchpoint—from the company’s branding to its social media posts to the way its employees answer the phone.

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