Category: Create

Art + Science = Creative Advertising | Blog | Commit

Art + Science = Creative Advertising

July 8, 2016

In the days of old, marketers had no way to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns. In those days, John Wanamaker’s complaint—“Half of the money I spend on advertising is [...]

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How a Design Agency Art Director Finds Inspiration | Blog | Commit

How a Design Agency Art Director Finds Inspiration

April 27, 2016

One of the most important pieces to running a top-quality design agency is having the best possible talent designing for you. You can spend hours brainstorming with the best and [...]

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7 Elements of Winning Creative Briefs | Blog | Commit

7 Elements of Winning Creative Briefs

April 11, 2016

Creative briefs are standard tools in marketing and advertising. Yet, all too often, poorly conceived and executed creative briefs lead to uninspired deliverables. For creative briefs to succeed, there must be a [...]

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