Category: Marketing

Commit | Marketers in meeting looking at TV

How Businesses Can Leverage Corporate Marketing to Attract More Customers  

November 5, 2020

Corporate marketing, in a nutshell, occurs when a business promotes the company itself instead of its individual products. The idea is to get people excited about the brand specifically and [...]

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Phoenix Business Journal | Commit Agency | Covid-19 | David Ralls

Commit In the News! How Valley Ad Agencies Pivot Amid COVID-19 to Keep Clients, Employees Engaged

August 27, 2020

In gathering information for the 2020 Largest Advertising Agency lists in the Aug. 14 weekly edition of the Phoenix Business Journal, David Ralls, president of Commit Agency, was asked how [...]

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cite sources

The Correct Way to Cite Sources / Repost Content (in Blogs and on Social Media)

April 16, 2020

As a content writer at a marketing agency, I know how important it is to properly cite sources in our client’s blogs as well as social media posts. Not only [...]

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Hiring A Full Service Marketing Agency | Blog | Commit Agency

Hiring A Full Service Marketing Agency

January 28, 2020

Making the decision to hire a full service marketing agency is a crucial step in the right direction for any growing business. But how do you know when you’re ready [...]

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Commit Agency Account Team | Commit Agency Marketing

Commit 2020 Predictions: Agency Marketing Trends

December 23, 2019

Though it might feel like just yesterday, in reality, less than 20 years ago many of the popular websites we visit regularly—and depend on—didn’t even exist. With the rise of [...]

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Stock Photography: To Use or Not to Use? | Blog | Commit Agency

Stock Photography: To Use or Not to Use?

September 30, 2019

On the surface, stock photography seems like a win-win. A virtually limitless library of images that can convey any mood in any situation, all available just a click away. Seemingly, [...]

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