Repurposing Content: Tips From a Marketing Agency  

April 6, 2023

The best content marketers seem to have blogs, videos, and whitepapers for just about anything. How do they do it? Spoiler alert — they don’t start from scratch on everything they create.

Repurposing content may sound like cutting corners, but it really isn’t. In fact, it’s a highly effective way to spruce up your content without having to recreate your existing body of work. Let’s discuss what repurposing actually is, what you should repurpose, and some best practices for getting the most out of your content repurposing.

What is Repurposing Content?

When we talk about repurposing, we’re not talking about creating something entirely new. But we’re not talking about wholly copying something, either. So what does it mean to repurpose content? The answer lies in the middle of those two extremes.

Simply put, repurposing content is taking an existing piece of work and updating it to fit your current needs. It’s like “Hey Jude” by The Beatles — take a sad song and make it better. In this case, your sad song is your outdated, obsolete content. It was perfectly good for the time it was written, but it badly needs an update. That’s where repurposing comes into play.

Why Repurpose Content?

Marketing is an ever-changing medium. Therefore, your content has to constantly update as well.

Your site needs to have the latest available information, in every manner possible. Trends change, new technologies emerge, product offerings are modified, and most importantly, data changes from year to year. Current information in each of these categories is necessary to show customers that you’re on the cutting edge — that you’re well-versed on what’s happening right now. And naturally, you don’t want to be rewriting each of these articles every time you need an update.

Repurposing content makes it much easier for you to get the information you need onto your website in an expedient and efficient manner. Remember, the customer doesn’t know if your content is repurposed. All they care about is finding answers as quickly as possible. Repurposed content benefits both you and the consumer, and that makes it a must for any digital marketing strategy.

When to Repurpose Content

When it’s Old

Have you ever read an article online and there’s a little message at the top saying something like, “This article is more than two years old”? There’s a reason for that. What you’re reading is something that rang true on its date of publication, but might not hit the mark quite as well today for a variety of reasons.

Of course, it could be excellent as is. But that’s the exact article that you’d want to target when repurposing content because it’s likely that something about it isn’t perfect in its current incarnation. Your older content might feature keywords you no longer target or product lines you no longer service.

When it Contains Figures

Nothing tells your story more convincingly than numbers. On the flip side, nothing becomes yesterday’s news more quickly than those numbers. It’s a delicate balance — you want concrete data to sell customers on your brand, but by including these metrics in your content, you’re essentially signing up to update these pieces every so often. It’s generally worth your while to do so, but be careful to not let these materials get too out of date.

When Things Change

The COVID-19 pandemic was perhaps the ultimate opportunity to repurpose content. It was the perfect example of a seismic change that caused the entire world to think differently. Now, pandemics don’t come along every day and thank goodness for that. But if you notice a change in your customer base or world events that make certain aspects of your content appear in bad taste, or if something simply hasn’t aged well, it’s a good time to make the necessary changes.

When the Numbers Say So

There are practical reasons for repurposing content, but sometimes you need no reason beyond simply looking at your traffic numbers. If a piece gets a lot of attention but has been out there for a while, it’s in your interest to refresh that content so that new visitors get the best information you can provide. On the other hand, underperforming content that’s not moving the needle might do a lot better with a fresh coat of paint and a new perspective. Let data work in concert with the tips we’ve previously discussed to guide you in the right direction.

How to Repurpose Content

Update, Don’t Reinvent

If you’re getting great traffic on a particular article, you’ll want to simply update that piece as opposed to creating something entirely new. Why? Because that article is already getting exposure on search engines. It’s targeting the keywords that are important to you, and it’s bringing traffic back to your site. You want to keep that level of visibility while adding to the content that’s already working. Creating a new piece with a different URL might take you a step back in terms of SEO, so take care to touch up existing articles when you can.

Combine Multiple Concepts

Suppose you have two articles on your site that aren’t getting the publicity they should receive. Why not blend those two articles and create something special? It’s possible your content is very good, but just hasn’t fully meshed with the needs of your customers just yet. But with a new approach, that same content might do wonders for both your audience and your business.

Break Up Your Blogs

Your written articles have significant standalone power, but their value doesn’t end on the page on which they reside. Blogs are full-fledged content machines because they can fuel so much more than simply articles. Choice quotes from your blogs can be posted as social media images.

Stats from blogs can be used in infographics. And perhaps most importantly in modern times, blogs can be the basis for the scripts of your videos. There are tons of applications for your blogs, so don’t be shy about borrowing from the articles on your site and putting that material to good use.

Write a Book

You probably have way more content on your site than you think. And you might not realize it at first, but the articles you’ve written on your website could be compiled into a book. Even if the book isn’t exactly War and Peace, it’s something substantial you can be proud of, and it’ll fully cement your status as a thought leader within your industry.

Better yet, it’ll be something you can promote on your website. Not only can you say you’re an author, but you can use your book as a lead generation tool or as a way to attract partnership opportunities. Not a bad way to get the most out of your blog content.

Although not all content is meant to live forever, you can extend the lifespan of plenty of your marketing materials by repurposing your content. You’ll add to the viability of your business, and you’ll make some excellent marketing materials with just a little retooling of what you’ve already created. To unlock the true power of repurposed content, contact us today.